“A good collaborative produces universal thinking”.
– Robert Rauschenberg
What you focus on grows
The Creative Gals’ Guild (CGG) is a global, collaborative, creative network, founded in Naarm (Melbourne), for women who are keen to catch up every couple of months, about creative projects.
All members are equal, have ownership of the way the CGG is conducted, and can contribute in their own way to make the Guild great.
The Guild is a terrific way for female and non-binary artists to sound or launch ideas in a supportive environment and includes some wonderful collaborative art exhibitions.
Our basic, working framework invites participants to meet-up in person or online to share:
What they’re working on
How they see the work evolving
How the CGG can support the creative project
Constructive feedback and support
The Guild host regular art exhibitions, workshops and events.
Contact us to find out more: creativegalsguild@gmail.com